[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Indicates whether the form is displayed in a minimized, maximized, full-screen or normal state.


Source position: forms.pp line 830

public property TCustomForm.WindowState : TWindowState
  read FWindowState
  write SetWindowState
  default wsNormal;


WindowState is a TWindowState property which indicates whether the form is currently displayed minimized, maximized, full-screen or normal (restored) state. The default value is wsNormal (i. e. neither minimized nor maximized).

Changing the value for the property at run-time causes the ShowWindow routine to be called with the Integer display command representing the new property value. The action is not performed at design-time, or when Showing is set to False.

Remark: For the Windows platform, wsFullScreen is converted to wsMaximized when calling the ShowWindow API function; the Windows API does not provide a full-screen option.

See also



Displays the form instance with support for High DPI scaling.



Represents the actual State of the window on the screen.



Cached visibility for the widget. Not necessarily in sync with the widget.



Shows a window in an specific state.

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