[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Handles the LM_HELP window message for the form.


Source position: forms.pp line 618

protected procedure TCustomForm.WMHelp(

  var Message: TLMHelp

); message;




Message examined in the method.


No actions are performed in the method at design-time, or when values have not been assigned to the HelpInfo member in Message.

When HelpInfo has a HELPINFO_WINDOW context type, FindControl is called to locate and display the help for the control with the item handle in Message. When HELPINFO_MENUITEM is the context type, GetHelpContext in Menu is called to locate the control ID in Message. If not found, the item handle in Message is used. As a default, the value in the Context property is used to display the context help.

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