[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Constructor for the class instance.


Source position: forms.pp line 1217

public constructor TScreen.Create(

  AOwner: TComponent

); override;




Owner of the class instance.


Create is the overridden constructor for the class instance, and calls the inherited method on entry.

Create allocates resources needed for properties, including: Fonts, Monitors, CustomForms, CustomFormsZOrdered, MagnetManager, and DataModules. Resources for internal members are also allocated.

Create gets the default value used for the PixelsPerInch property from the ScreenInfo variable in the LCL interface.

Create assigns methods in the class instance as the routines used by the Lazarus IDE to provide support for data modules. Create assigns the routine used to get system fonts for the application.

See also



Destructor for the class instance.

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