[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Provides indexed access to the TCustomForm instances on the screen.


Source position: forms.pp line 1280

public property TScreen.CustomForms[Index: Integer] : TCustomForm
  read GetCustomForms;


CustomForms is a read-only indexed TCustomForm property which provides access to a custom form instance in the list by its ordinal position.

Values in the CustomForms property are added and removed when the CreateNew and Destroy methods in TCustomForm are executed.

Use CustomFormsZOrdered to access a custom form instance by its Z-order on the screen.

Use the Forms property to access a TForm instance on the screen by its ordinal position.

See also



Number of TCustomForm form instances in the CustomForms property.



The list of Custom Forms, indexed by Z-order (zero is top-most).



Provides indexed access to TForm instances on the screen.

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