[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


The total horizontal size for the desktop.


Source position: forms.pp line 1288

public property TScreen.DesktopWidth : Integer
  read GetDesktopWidth;


DesktopWidth is a read-only Integer property with the total width for the desktop. The property values is the result from GetSystemMetrics using the SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN parameter.

DesktopWidth is used in the MoveToDefaultPosition method in TCustomForm. The values in DesktopLeft, DesktopTop, DesktopWidth and DesktopHeight are also assigned to members in the DesktopRect property.

See also



Bounds rectangle for the desktop spanning all monitors.



Moves the form to the location specified in the Position property.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home