[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Manages screen / form snapping behavior for the screen.


Source position: forms.pp line 1215

protected property TScreen.MagnetManager : TWindowMagnetManager
  read FMagnetManager;


MagnetManager is a read-only TWindowMagnetManager property with the class used to manage magnetic window snapping behavior in an application. It is initialized in the Create constructor, and is enabled in the application by default.

MagnetManager is used when a TForm instance receives and handles a TLMWindowPosChanging (WMWindowPosChanging) message. Its SnapForm method is called to adjust the window position when the form instance is close enough to an edge that the snapping behavior is engaged.

Remark: In the current LCL release, the LM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message is dispatched for the Windows platform only. None of the other widgetsets checked for or apply the message.

Version info

Added in LCL version 3.0.

See also



Implements a manager for form and screen snapping behavior in an application.



Notifies the magnetic window manager when the position for a form is being updated.



Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home