[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Graphics' (#lcl)


Bitmap with the pattern for the Brush.


Source position: graphics.pp line 749

public property TBrush.Bitmap : TCustomBitmap
  read FBitmap
  write SetBitmap;


Bitmap is a TCustomBitmap property which contains the pattern used to draw the brush, and is generally used to fill shapes or rectangular areas.

When assigned, the Bitmap image is used to draw the brush pattern instead of using the Style for brush. Setting a value for the property causes values in Color and Style to be reset. Color is set to clWhite, and the brush Style is set to bsSolid. The Handle for the brush is freed, and the Changed method is called to signal the OnChange event handler (when assigned).

The image in Bitmap is discarded when a new value is assigned to the Style property.

See also



Indicates the pattern drawn using the brush.



The Color of the current Brush.

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