[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Graphics' (#lcl)


The Pen to be used for writing in this canvas.


Source position: graphics.pp line 1184

published property TCanvas.Pen : TPen
  read FLazPen
  write SetLazPen;


Pen is a TPen property which contains settings used when drawing lines, shapes, gradients, or generally changing pixels on the canvas. The available properties include:

See TPen for more information about properties, methods, and events in the class. See TFPCustomCanvas for information about the pen used in the FCL ancestor class.

The Pen property is used in the implementation of TCanvas drawing methods, like: SetPixel, MoveTo, LineTo, Arc, ArcTo, Chord, GradientFill, RadialPie, PolyBezier, Polygon, Polyline, Ellipse, Frame, Frame3D, Rectangle, and RoundRect.

Use Brush to access settings used to fill enclosed areas on the drawing surface.

See also



The Brush used to paint on the Canvas.



Represents a pen used to draw on a canvas.

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