[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Graphics' (#lcl)


Gets a list of supported MIME types for image data used in the image type.


Source position: graphics.pp line 1327

public procedure TRasterImage.GetSupportedSourceMimeTypes(

  List: TStrings

); override;


GetSupportedSourceMimeTypes is an overridden method in TRasterImage used to get the list of MIME types used for image data in the image type. List is the TStrings instance where the list of supported MIME types is stored.

GetSupportedSourceMimeTypes uses the value in ClassType to determine if the request is handled in the overridden method. It is handled in the method when ClassType is TBitmap, TPixmap, or TCustomIcon. Values in the PredefinedClipboardMimeTypes constant for the TBitmap and TPixmap types are added to List. When ClassType contains any other type, the inherited method is called.

GetSupportedSourceMimeTypes is called from the AssignPicture method in TClipboard.

See also



Gets a list of supported MIME types for data used in the graphic.



Represents the clipboard on platforms supported for the LCL.

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