[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Event handler signalled when a grid cell is selected.


Source position: grids.pas line 1578

public property TCustomDrawGrid.OnSelectCell : TOnSelectCellEvent
  read FOnSelectCell
  write FOnSelectCell;


OnSelectCell is a TOnSelectCellEvent property with the event handler signalled when a cell is selected in the grid control. OnSelectCell is signalled from the SelectCell method. It occurs when a change in the current cell selection has been or is about to be performed, or when a cell editor is selected for the grid control. The CanSelect argument allows the event handler to control whether the cell at ACol and ARow can be selected.

See also



Determines whether the specified cell can be selected in the grid control.



Determines if the cell can be selected, or finds a suitable position using auto-advance.



Gets the cell editor for the current cell, and sets its PopupMenu.



Specifies the event handler signalled when a cell is selected in a grid control.

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