[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Clears the cached fixed rows and row count values for the grid control.


Source position: grids.pas line 1340

public function TCustomGrid.ClearRows: Boolean;

Function result

True if the rows are cleared in the method.


ClearRows is a Boolean function used to remove all rows in the grid control. This includes the fixed row for the control. The return value is True if rows are successfully cleared in the method. It is False if the grid is already empty.

ClearRows sets EditorMode to False if a cell editor is visible on the grid control. It sets values in the FixedRows and and RowCount properties to 0 (zero).

It does not change values in the FixedCols or ColCount properties.

See also



Number of rows in the grid.



Number of columns in the grid.



Number of the fixed rows in the grid.



The number of fixed columns in the grid.



True when the Editor is ready to modify the value for the current cell.



Clears all cells in the grid control.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home