[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Provides indexed access to a cell value by its column and row number.


Source position: grids.pas line 1819

public property TCustomStringGrid.Cells[ACol: Integer,ARow: Integer] : string
  read GetCells
  write SetCells;


Cells is an indexed String property used to read or write the content for a cell in the grid. The ACol and ARow indexes are used the access a value stored at the requested column and row position.

Reading the value causes the pointer to the cell in Celda to return its Text value.

Setting the value causes the pointer to the cell in Celda to be updated for the specified coordinates. An active cell editor will be cancelled if it is not locked, and the value in Modified is reset to False.

Use Objects to read or write an associated TObject instance for a given cell.

See also



Indicates whether the content in the grid cells has been changed.



Provides indexed access to cell properties by their column and row numbers.

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