[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Represents one of the editors used in a TCompositeCellEditor instance.


Source position: grids.pas line 300

type TEditorItem = record

  Editor: TWinControl;


The Editor to be used for this item.

  Align: TAlign;


Alignment for the editor relative to the other controls in the composite editor.

  ActiveControl: Boolean;


True if Editor is the active control for a composite cell editor.



TEditorItem is a record type used to maintain information about an editor control used a TCompositeCellEditor instance. Members in the record identify the editor control, its alignment, and a flag which indicates if the editor control is active.

TEditorItem instances are allocated when the AddEditor method in TCompositeCellEditor is called.

See also



Adds the specified control to the composite cell editor using the given alignment and active state.

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