[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Stores cached information about a grid control.


Source position: grids.pas line 687

type TGridDataCache = record

  FixedWidth: Integer;


Sum of the column widths for fixed cells in a grid.

  FixedHeight: Integer;


Sum of the row heights for fixed cells in a grid.

  GridWidth: Integer;


Sum of the column widths for all cells in a grid.

  GridHeight: Integer;


Sum of the row heights for all cells in a grid.

  ClientWidth: Integer;


Width of the grid control minus the width for the vertical scroll bar.

  ClientHeight: Integer;


Height of the grid control minus the width of the horizontal scroll bar.

  ClientRect: TRect;

  ScrollWidth: Integer;


The difference between ClientWidth and FixedWidth.

  ScrollHeight: Integer;


The difference between ClientHeight and FixedHeight.

  HScrollBarNetRange: Integer;


Difference between the scroll bar range and the grid page size.

  VisibleGrid: TRect;


Visible non-fixed cell coordinates rectangle.

  MaxClientXY: Tpoint;


Bottom/Right coordinates in (pixels) for the visible parts of a grid.

  ValidRows: Boolean;


True when there are no fixed columns to display in a grid.

  ValidCols: Boolean;


True when there are no fixed rows to display in the grid.

  ValidGrid: Boolean;


True when there are no fixed cells for columns or rows in a grid.

  AccumWidth: TIntegerList;


Cumulative preceding width per grid column.

  AccumHeight: TIntegerList;


Cumulative preceding height per grid row.

  TLColOff: Integer;


Offset in pixels for the Top/Left column in a grid.

  TLRowOff: Integer;


Offset in pixels for the Top/Left row in a grid.

  MaxTopLeft: TPoint;


Cell coordinates for the last cell that can be used as the grid visual origin.

  MaxTLOffset: TPoint;


Max Top left offset for the last cell in the grid.

  HotCell: TPoint;


The current "hot" cell in the grid.

  HotCellPainted: Boolean;


True if the current "hot" cell has already been painted.

  HotGridZone: TGridZone;


GridZone for the last MouseMove.

  ClickCell: TPoint;


Cell coordinates for the last mouse click event.

  ClickMouse: TPoint;


Mouse coordinates for the last mouse click event.

  PushedCell: TPoint;


Cell coordinates for the cell drawn in the pushed state.

  PushedMouse: TPoint;


Mouse Coordinates for the cell drawn in the pushed state.

  ClickCellPushed: Boolean;


Indicates if the header cell is currently drawn in the pushed state.

  FullVisibleGrid: TRect;


Visible cells excluding partially visible cells.

  MouseCell: TPoint;


Cell which contains the mouse pointer.

  OldMaxTopLeft: TPoint;


Previous MaxTopleft (before column sizing).



TGridDataCache is a record type used to store and cache information about a grid control, its layout, and activity. TGridDataCache is the type used to implement the GCache property in TCustomGrid.

See also



Contains cached data about the visual layout and state for the grid control.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home