[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Set type used to store enabled grid options from the TGridOption2 enumeration.


Source position: grids.pas line 128

type TGridOptions2 = set of (



Allows scrolling to last column (so that last column can be leftcol).



Allows scrolling to last row (so the last row can also be TopRow).



Sets the color in a cell editor to the color for the parent control.



Sets the font in a cell editor to the font for the parent control.



TGridOptions2 is the type used to implement the Options2 property in TCustomGrid. The features represented by the values in the set are enabled in a grid control when present.

See TGridOption2 for the available enumeration values and their meanings.

See also



Contains additional options for scrolling and editor behavior enabled in the grid control.



Represents grid options introduced in Version 2 (or higher) of grid controls.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home