[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Stores size and movement data for columns or rows in a grid.


Source position: grids.pas line 679

type TSizingRec = record

  Index: Integer;


Column or row number for the sizing information.

  OffIni: Integer;


Initial offset for the sizing information.

  OffEnd: Integer;


Final offset included in the sizing information.

  DeltaOff: Integer;


Delta change (in pixels) for the column offsets in a resizing operation.

  PrevLine: Boolean;


True if the row in PrevOffset is updated in a row sizing operation.

  PrevOffset: Integer;


Offset to a row affected in a row sizing operation.



TSizingRec is a record type used to store size and positioning information for columns or rows in TCustomGrid and descendent classes. TSizingRec is the type used for an internal member in TCustomGrid which is used in methods that perform column or row sizing operations.

See also



Applies a change in the mouse pointer position to the grid control.



Handles a mouse up event for the grid control.



Performs actions needed to handle mouse double click events in the control.

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