[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'InterfaceBase' (#lcl)


Represents capabilities used in the LCL.


Source position: interfacebase.pp line 54

type TLCLCapability = (



Supports asynchronous processes.



Supports drawing outside of the OnPaint event for a control.



When the main form is minimized, the application is minimized too.



Can change application title at run-time.



Application has a special root window.



Forms have an icon.



Has native modal window support.



Can drag-dock forms by clicking on the title bar.



amDontCare is the same as amOn for the widgetset.



Has support for the LM_HELP command.



Carbon does not receive LM_CLEAR, LM_CUT, LM_COPY, LM_PASTE reliably; this affects DB controls.



The interface sends UTF8KeyPress directly. When not available, it will be emulated in TWinControl.CNChar.



Used by the LCL custom-drawn widgetset so that it can inject child controls in native ones.



Provides emulation of MDI commands for widgetsets which do not provide native MDI handling.



Indicates accessibility is implemented; mostly for TCustomControl descendents as native widgetsets should have in-built accessibility.



Indicates that CreateBrushWithRadialGradient is supported to create a brush with a radial gradient pattern.



Has the ability to pass mouse messages through a window (on win32 LM_NCHITTEST with HTTRANSPARENT result).



Has native TextHint support.



Task dialogs on MS Windows for widgetsets different than win32/wince. Used in LCLTaskDialog. Qt/Qt5 must set this option to False otherwise taskdialog segfaults.



The system rendering engine might request a hidden control to be drawn (macOS 10.9 and later).



Supports UI accelerator keys using & as a prefix for the accelerator character.



TLCLCapability is an enumerated type with values that represent capabilities used in the Lazarus Component Library (LCL). The enumeration values identify features or behaviors that may be implemented in a given widgetset object. The enumeration values can be passed to the TWidgetSet.GetLCLCapability method to determine whether the feature or behavior is implemented for the platform.

See also



Checks whether the widgetset supports the specified LCL capability.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home