[Overview][Constants][Types][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLPlatformDef' (#lcl)


Array constant with the directory names for supported LCL platforms.


Source position: lclplatformdef.pas line 47

const LCLPlatformDirNames: array [TLCLPlatform] of string = ('gtk', 'gtk2', 'gtk3', 'win32', 'wince', 'carbon', 'qt', 'qt5', 'qt6', 'fpgui', 'nogui', 'cocoa', 'customdrawn', 'mui');


LCLPlatformDirNames is a array of Strings with directory names for the platforms supported for the LCL. The directory names are relative to the ($LazarusDir)/lcl/interfaces base path and should not include path delimiters. Values in the array are indexed by TLCLPlatform enumeration values.

For example:

// var SDir, SName: String;

// SDir contains 'win32'
SDir := LCLPlatformDirNames[lpWin32];

// SName contains 'win32/win64'
SName := LCLPlatformDisplayNames[lpWin32];

Use LCLPlatformDisplayNames to get the display name for a given TLCLPlatform enumeration value.

See also



Array constant with the display names for supported LCL platforms.



Represents the supported platforms for the LCL.

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