[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLTaskDialog' (#lcl)


Assigns the default font used for task dialogs when one has not already been chosen.


Source position: lcltaskdialog.pas line 414

function DefaultFont: TFont;

Function result

TFont instance with the default typeface and font size for a task dialog.


DefaultFont creates a TFont instance used in the implementation for the unit. The default font name and size are updated in the font instance returned as the Result for the routine.

The default font name value is 'default', and causes the default font for the platform or operating system to be used. The default size is 10 (points).

For the Windows platform, a different font name (and size) may be used. When the Calibri typeface is installed, it is used with an 11 point font size. Otherwise, Tahoma or Arial are used as the fallback font names (in that order) using a 10 point font size.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home