[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLTaskDialog' (#lcl)


Provides a wrapper for the Execute method in TTaskDialog.


Source position: lcltaskdialog.pas line 349

type TTaskDialogEx = record


  Base: TTaskDialog;


The TTaskDialog instance accessed in the implementation.

  CommonButtons: TCommonButtons;


Common command buttons displayed on the task dialog.

  ButtonDef: Integer;


The identifier for the default button on the task dialog.

  Flags: TTaskDialogFlags;


Task dialog flags enabled for the dialog.

  DialogIcon: TTaskDialogIcon;


Indicates the image displayed as the main icon on the dialog.

  FooterIcon: TTaskDialogFooterIcon;


Indicates the image displayed as the footer icon on the dialog.

  RadioDef: Integer;


Default radio button enabled when the task dialog is displayed.

  Width: Integer;


Default width for the task dialog.

  NonNative: Boolean;


Indicates whether an emulated task dialog form is used.

  EmulateClassicStyle: Boolean;


Forces the user interface to used non-themed interfacfe elements.

  OnButtonClicked: TTaskDialogButtonClickedEvent;


Event handler signalled when a button is clicked on the task dialog.

  procedure Init;


Initializes the dialog parameters to common default values.

  function Execute();


Method used to display and execute the extended task dialog.



A wrapper around the TTaskDialog.Execute method. Used to provide "flat" access to task dialog parameters.

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