[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLTaskDialog' (#lcl)


Contains flags used to control the display and behavior of a task dialog.


Source position: lcltaskdialog.pas line 169

type TTaskDialogFlag = (



Enables display of hyperlinks in the Content, InfoExpanded, and Footer values in a task dialog.



Uses the icon specified by handle as the primary or main icon (instead of the pointer to an Integer resource identifier).



Uses the icon specified by handle as the footer icon (instead of the pointer to an Integer resource identifier).



Allows the dialog to be closed using Alt+F4, by pressing the Escape key, or using the Close button in the window decorations. Does not require a cancel button on a task dialog.



Causes buttons define on a task dialog to be displayed as command links with standard glyph images instead of as plain push buttons. The first line of text in a button caption is used as the main text for button. Following lines are displayed as additional notes for the command link.



Causes buttons define on a task dialog to be displayed as command links but without standard glyph images. The first line of text in a button caption is used as the main text for button. Following lines are displayed as additional notes for the command link.



Causes expanded information to be displayed at the bottom of the footer area instead of after the main content for a task dialog.



Causes the expanded information to be fully visible (expanded) when a task dialog is displayed.



Indicates that the verification check box is in a checked state when a task dialog is displayed. Ignored when the verification text for the dialog is empty.



Causes a progress bar to be displayed on a task dialog.



Causes a progress bar using the Marquis style to be displayed on a task dialog.



Causes the callback routine for a task dialog to be called every 200 milliseconds.



Causes the task dialog to be centered relative to the parent window for the dialog. When omitted, or when a handle for the parent window has not been specified, the dialog is centered on the active monitor for an application.



Causes text on a task dialog to be displayed using the right-to-left reading direction.



Causes all radio buttons on a task dialog to be unselected when it is displayed.



Allows the task dialog to be minimized.



Causes a query input control to be displayed on the task dialog.



Causes Asterisk ('*') characters to be displayed to obfuscate characters in the query input.



Causes the query input to be focused when a task dialog is displayed.



The TTaskDialogFlag enumeration contains the available configuration flags for the Task Dialog. Most are standard TDF_* flags used for the Windows Vista/Seven native API. See the following TASKDIALOG_FLAGS references:



Please note: TTaskDialogFlag does not include the TDF_SIZE_TO_CONTENT flag allowed in the Windows API.

tdfQuery, tdfQueryMasked, and tdfQueryFieldFocused are custom flags, implemented in Pascal code, to handle an input query.

An emulated task dialog (as opposed to a native one) will handle only tdfUseCommandLinks, tdfUseCommandLinksNoIcon, and tdfQuery flag options.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home