[Overview][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLTranslator' (#lcl)


Translates string constants in a unit using the localization file for the specified language and path.


Source position: lcltranslator.pas line 82

function TranslateUnitResourceStringsEx(

  Lang: string;

  Dir: string;

  LocaleFileName: string;

  LocaleUnitName: string = ''





Optional language identifier requested for the translation.



Optional path to the localization files used in the translation.



Base name for the localization file used in the translation.



Optional base name of the unit with strings translated in the routine.

Function result

The language code or locale ID used in the translation, or an empty string when a translation is not available or an error has occurred.


TranslateUnitResourceStringsEx is a convenience routine used to translate string constants in a specified source file to a given language. It provides arguments which identify the source file, the path to localization files, and the language requested.

Lang contains the optional language identifier requested for the translated string constants. It contains a value like 'en', 'ru' or 'de'. An empty string ('') causes the default language identifier for the platform or operating system to be used.

Dir contains the path where the localization files (.po, .mo) are located. It can contain a path relative to the directory for the application executable, or a fully qualified path to the directory with the localization files. For example: 'languages' or '/usr/share/locale'. An empty string ('') indicates that the predefined directories like 'languages' or 'locale' are used to locate the localization files.

LocaleFileName contains the base name for the localization file used to translate the values in the specified unit. It contains a value like 'lazaruside' or 'lclstrconts'. No actions are performed in the routine when LocaleFileName is an empty string ('').

LocaleUnitName contains the base name for the source code file with the string constants translated in the routine. An empty string ('') causes the value in LocaleFileName to be used as the base source code file name.

TranslateUnitResourceStringsEx calls the FindLocaleFileName implementation routine to resolve the requested language identifier, and the path and file extension for the localization files. .po files are given preference, and .mo files are used when a .po equivalent is not available.

TranslateUnitResourceStringsEx calls the TranslateUnitResourceStrings routine in the translations.pp unit to translate the specified file using the path to the localization file.

TranslateUnitResourceStringsEx calls the TranslateResourceStrings routine in the FCL gettext.pp unit to translate using a .mo file when a path to .po files is not found.

The return value contains the language code or locale ID used in the translation. An empty string ('') in the return value indicates that a localization file for the specified arguments was not found, or that an error occurred during the translation.

See also



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