[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Printers' (#lcl)


The Canvas to be used for laying out the current document ready for printing.


Source position: printers.pas line 332

public property TPrinter.Canvas : TCanvas
  read GetCanvas;


Canvas is a read-only TCanvas property which provides properties and methods used to position and format content on a page.

In TPrinter, and descendants, a printer-aware class derived from TCanvas is used: TPrinterCanvas. A descendent class may also introduce its own canvas class with specific features for the page description language, or printer-related technology used in its implementation. The CanvasClass property identifies the class reference used to create the member for the Canvas property.

Canvas is used in methods like BeginDoc, EndDoc, BeginPage, and EndPage to synchronized the rendering surface to the current state for the print device. Canvas is used only when RawMode is set to False.

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