[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Printers' (#lcl)


Width of the usable area on the selected paper size in "Dots"


Source position: printers.pas line 335

public property TPrinter.PageWidth : Integer
  read GetPageWidth;


PageWidth is a read-only Integer property which contains the usable width for the selected paper size as a number of "Dots" for the native printer resolution.

PageWidth uses the PaperSize property to retrieve the work area for the selected paper size. The property value contains the difference between the Right and Left coordinates in the work area rectangle.

The property value is 0 (zero) when the Printers property is empty. You cannot access a selected paper size without a selected printer.

PageWidth is used to derive the page width in TPrinterCanvas when a TPrinter instance has been assigned.

See also



Contains paper sizes available and/or selected for the print device.



Contains the names for devices that can be selected for printing.



The physical and logical dimension rectangles for the paper size.



Device which uses the canvas to print a document.



Size of the printable area for the page on the horizontal axis.



Holds the physical and working dimensions for a paper size.

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