[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Printers' (#lcl)


Writes the specified values to the print device.


Source position: printers.pas line 320

public function TPrinter.Write(

  const Buffer;

  Count: Integer;

  out Written: Integer

):Boolean; virtual;

function TPrinter.Write(

  const s: ansistring

):Boolean; overload;




Untyped buffer written in the method.



Number of bytes from the buffer written in the method.



Number of bytes actually written in the method.

Function result

True when the specified value are successfully written in the method.




AnsiString value written in the method.


Write is an Boolean function used to write the specified values to the printer device. Overloaded variants of the method allow the values to be specified as an AnsiString data type or an untyped buffer.

Buffer is the untyped buffer written in the method.

Count indicates the number of bytes in Buffer to use in the write operation.

Written contains the actual number of bytes handled in the write operation.

S is the AnsiString value written in the method.

The return value is True when the specified values are successfully written in the method.

Remark: Neither variant of the Write method actually performs any output in TPrinter. The return value is always False, and Written always contains the value 0 (zero). Write must be re-implemented in a descendent class to perform the actions needed for the implementation.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home