[Overview][Types][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'RubberBand' (#lcl)


Defines the shape drawn for a rubber-band selection.


Source position: rubberband.pas line 29

type TRubberBandShape = (



Rubber-band selection is drawn as a line; can represent either a horizontal or a vertical line.



Rubber-band selection is drawn as a rectangle; may be a filled semi-transparent rectangle or a dotted outline depending on the style.



TRubberBandShape is an enumerated type with values that define the shape for the rubber-band selection drawn in TCustomRubberBand and descendent classes. TRubberBandShape is the type used to implement the Shape property in TCustomRubberBand.

TRubberBandShape corresponds to the shape values expected in the QT widgetset.

See also



The Shape of the rubber band device: a line or a rectangle around the selection.

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