[Overview][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Spin' (#lcl)


Maximum value allowed in the spin edit control.


Source position: spin.pp line 82

public property TCustomFloatSpinEdit.MaxValue : Double
  read FMaxValue
  write SetMaxValue
  stored MaxValueStored;


MaxValue is a Double property which contains the maximum value allowed for the spin edit control. It is used, along with MinValue, to determine the range of values allowed in the Value property.

When MinValue and MaxValue have the same value, or MaxValue is smaller than MinValue, the range limit is not enforced. This allows any value to be assigned to the control.

Changing the value for the property causes the range limits to be re-applied to Value by calling the GetLimitedValue method. A pending update is also applied to the widgetset class instance.

See also



Minimum value allowed in the spin edit control.



The floating point value for the spin edit control.



Limits the specified value to the minimum and maximum values for the control.

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