[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'StdCtrls' (#lcl)


Indicates if keyboard Arrow (or cursor) keys can be used to move through the list.


Source position: stdctrls.pp line 429

public property TCustomComboBox.ArrowKeysTraverseList : Boolean
  read FArrowKeysTraverseList
  write SetArrowKeysTraverseList
  default True;


ArrowKeysTraverseList indicates if Arrow (or Cursor) keys on the keyboard can be used to navigate the Items displayed in the drop-down list box for the control. The default value for the property is True.

The value in the property is passed to the widgetset class when the LCL interface object is created. Changing the value for the property causes the widgetset class to be notified using its SetArrowKeysTraverseList method.

The property value is used in the implementation of the KeyDown method, and may be updated as the drop-down list for the control is displayed or hidden. For some widgetsets (Darwin), the arrow keys cannot be handled in the LCL and the keyboard message(s) are ignored.

See also



The list of items displayed in the combo-box control.



Filters keys used to traverse the list.

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