[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'StdCtrls' (#lcl)


Makes the drop-down list appear as soon as the user starts entering text.


Source position: stdctrls.pp line 425

public property TCustomComboBox.AutoDropDown : Boolean
  read FAutoDropDown
  write FAutoDropDown
  default False;


AutoDropDown is a Boolean property which indicates if the drop-down list for the control is automatically displayed. When set to False, the drop-down list appears when the down button is clicked, or the Alt+Down key sequence is entered. The value in AutoDropDown is maintained, based on the Style for the control, when KeyDown is called to handle key events.

Use DroppedDown to show or hide the list box for the control.

See also



Controls the appearance and behavior for the combo-box.



Filters keys used to traverse the list.



Indicates whether the drop-down list has been displayed.

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