[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'FileUtil' (#lazutils)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements an iterator for file and directory names on the local file system.


Source position: fileutil.pas line 103

type TFileIterator = class


  procedure Stop;


Stops the search process.

  function IsDirectory;


True when the current file system entry is a directory.

  property FileName: string; [r]


The qualified file name for the current file entry.

  property FileInfo: TSearchRec; [r]


Contains file information for the current entry in the iterator.

  property Level: Integer; [r]


Gets the current directory level relative to the base search path.

  property Path: string; [r]


Contains the path to the current file or directory in the iterator.

  property Searching: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if a search process is active.





Implements an iterator for file and directory names on the local file system.




TFileIterator is a class used to implement an iterator for file and directory names on the local file system. TFileIterator provides properties and methods used to represent the path and file name for values found when searching the local file system. It is not very useful on its own, but serves as the base class for the TFileSearcher ancestor.

TFileIterator is the type passed as an argument to TFileFoundEvent, TDirectoryFoundEvent, and TDirectoryEnterEvent event handlers.

See also



Implements an iterator used to search for files or directories.



Specifies an event handler signalled when a file name is found for the specified iterator.



Specifies an event handler signalled when a directory is found for the specified iterator.



Specifies an event handler signalled when a new directory is processed with the specified iterator.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home