[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_DOM' (#lazutils)


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Implements an enumerator that visits all Children in the sub-tree for a DOM node.


Source position: laz2_dom.pas line 212

type TDOMNodeAllChildEnumerator = class


  constructor Create();


Constructor for the class instance.

  function MoveNext;


Gets the next DOM node for the enumerator.

  property Current: TDOMNode; [r]


Current DOM node selected in the enumerator.

  function GetEnumerator;


Gets the enumerator class instance.





Implements an enumerator that visits all Children in the sub-tree for a DOM node.




TDOMNodeAllChildEnumerator is a class used to implement an enumerator for a specified DOM node that visits all child nodes in its sub-tree. The enumerator uses the GetNextNode method in TDOMNode to get the value in the Current property. This means it will recursively descend into ChildNodes, and is halted when the next sibling for the specified DOM node is reached.

Use the MoveNext method to get the next DOM node for the enumerator. Use the Current property to access the currently selected DOM node.

See also



Gets the next Child or Sibling node for the DOM node.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home