[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Laz2_XMLRead' (#lazutils)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Represents the input source for XML content.


Source position: laz2_xmlread.pas line 114

type TXMLInputSource = class(TObject)


  constructor Create();


Constructor for the class instance.

  property Stream: TStream; [r]


Stream with the XML content for the input source.

  property StringData: string; [r]


String with the XML content for the input source.

  property BaseURI: DOMString; [rw]


Base URI for content in the XML input source.

  property SystemID: DOMString; [rw]


System Identifier for content in the XML input source.

  property PublicID: DOMString; [rw]


Public Identifier for content in the XML input source.





Represents the input source for XML content.




TXMLInputSource is a class used to represent an input source with XML content. TXMLInputSource is based on the DOM InputSource interface from DOM Level 3. It is not a fully compliant implementation of the interface. It does not implement separate byteStream and characterStream properties; the Stream and StringData properties are provided instead. In addition, it does not implement the Encoding property. All values in are expected to use the UTF-8 encoding.

Use the overloaded constructors to create an input source with either a string or a stream as the storage for the XML content.

A TXMLInputSource instance is passed as an argument to the TDOMParser.Parse and TDOMParser.ParseWithContext methods. It is subsequently passed to the TXMLReader instance that reads XML content from the input source.

See also



Parses the input source and updates the specified XML document.



Parses the XML input source into the specified DOM context Node.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home