[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'Maps' (#lazutils)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Specifies the interface used for map item iterators.


Source position: maps.pp line 129

type TBaseMapIterator = class(TObject)


  procedure AddToMap; virtual;


Adds the class instance to the associated Map for the iterator.

  procedure RemoveFromMap; virtual;


Removes the class instance from the associated Map for the iterator.

  procedure InternalCreate();


Initializes the iterator for specified the map.

  function InternalLocate();


True when a matching map item is found.

  procedure Validate;


Validates the AVL Tree and the Current item in the iterator.

  procedure ValidateMap;


Ensures that the map for the iterator is still valid.

  property Current: PMapItem; [r]


Current map item for the iterator.


  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure First;


Moves to the first item in the linked list.

  procedure Next;


Moves to the next item in the linked list.

  procedure Previous;


Moves to the previous item in the linked list.

  procedure Last;


Moves to the last item in the linked list.

  function Valid;


Indicates if the map for the iterator has been freed.

  property BOM: Boolean; [r]


True when the iterator is at the beginning of the linked list for the map.

  property EOM: Boolean; [r]


True when the iterator is at the end of the linked list for the map.





Specifies the interface used for map item iterators.



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