[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ComCtrls' (#lcl)


Contains text displayed as additional columns on the list view control.


Source position: comctrls.pp line 1081

public property TListItem.SubItems : TStrings
  read GetSubItems
  write SetSubItems;


SubItems is a TStrings property with text displayed for additional columns when the ListView control sets its ViewStyle property to vsReport. Column 0 always contains the Caption for the list item. Values in SubItems are displayed starting at column number 1 and continue through the number of columns defined on the list view control. In other words, column 1 is SubItems[0]. Column 2 is SubItems[1]. Ad infinitum.

Values in Subitems can assigned at design-time using the Items property editor in the Lazarus IDE. They can also be assigned at run-time. Maintain the Columns property in the ListView control to match the number of columns needed for the values in SubItems.

See also



Caption - the name given to this item on the list.



Gets the ImageIndex for the sub-item at the specified position.



Collection with the column definitions for the list view control (size, alignment, image index, etc.).



Sets one of ListView layouts: List (simple column), Report (few columns with full width), Icon (big icons), Small Icon (small icons, 16x16).



Represents the view styles available for the items in a list view control.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home