[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Controls' (#lcl)


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The layout manager for a docksite.


Source position: controls.pp line 672

type TDockManager = class(TPersistent)


  constructor Create(); virtual;


Creates an DockManager for ADockSite.

  procedure BeginUpdate; virtual;


Starts updating the DockSite layout.

  procedure EndUpdate; virtual;


Finishes updating the DockSite layout.

  procedure GetControlBounds(); virtual; abstract;


Returns the zone bounds of a docked control.

  function GetDockEdge(); virtual;


Determine the DropAlign.

  procedure InsertControl();


Position DropCtl relative Control, using the alignment specified by InsertAt.

  procedure LoadFromStream(); virtual; abstract;


Restores the layout of the docksite from the specified stream.

  procedure PaintSite(); virtual;


Handles special painting of the docksite.

  procedure MessageHandler(); virtual;


Handles the messages sent to a docksite.

  procedure PositionDockRect();


Determines the DockRect while dragging a control over the docksite.

  procedure RemoveControl(); virtual; abstract;


Removes the undocked control from the docksite layout.

  procedure ResetBounds(); virtual; abstract;


Refreshes the layout for the dock site.

  procedure SaveToStream(); virtual; abstract;


Saves the docksite layout to Stream.

  procedure SetReplacingControl(); virtual;


Specifies the control to be replaced subsequently.

  function AutoFreeByControl; virtual;


Returns True if the DockManager should be destroyed together with the docksite.

  function IsEnabledControl(); virtual;


Determines whether the specified control is a windowed control using the current dock manager.

  function CanBeDoubleDocked; virtual;






The layout manager for a docksite.






TDockManager is an abstract class for managing the controls on a dock site. Every docksite can have a DockManager, which arranges the docked controls. See TDockTree for more info.

See also



A tree of TDockZone instances where each docked window has one tree.

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