[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


Provides access to the dataset displayed in the grid.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 567

public property TCustomDBGrid.DataSource : TDataSource
  read GetDataSource
  write SetDataSource;


DataSource is a TDataSource property which provides access to the DataSet displayed in the database grid control. Read and write access to the property are redirected to the DataLink property.

Reading the value for DataSource returns the corresponding value stored in the TComponentDataLink instance.

Writing the value for DataSource sets the value in the TComponentDataLink instance (when they are not the same). Write access to DataSource also resets the width of columns in the grid by calling RenewColWidths. UpdateActive is called to redraw the grid control after changes to the DataSource and Columns properties.

See also



Provides access to the dataset displayed in the grid.



Datalink for the component with event handlers for the linked dataset.



Maintains an association between a component and a dataset.


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