[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


Reserves additional rows in the fixed header area for the control.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 516

protected property TCustomDBGrid.FixedRowsExtra : Integer
  read FFixedRowsExtra
  write SetFixedRowsExtra;


FixedRowsExtra is an Integer property which indicates the number of additional rows reserved at the bottom of the fixed header rows in the database grid control. The default value for the property is 0, and reserves NO additional rows.

Changing the value for the property causes the LayoutChanged method to be called. This may affect the linked data fields for the control and / or the automatic columns displayed on the grid control.

FixedRowsExtra is used in the UpdateGridCounts method when dgTitles has been included in the Options for the control, and causes the specified number of rows to be added after the column headers row and before the data cells in the grid.

See also



LayoutChanged links columns to Fields and inserts any required automatic columns.



Gets the total number of visible columns or fields for the grid control.

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