[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'EditBtn' (#lcl)


Indicates if the asynchronous event handler routine is enabled for the Application.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 280

public property TCustomControlFilterEdit.IdleConnected : Boolean
  read fIdleConnected
  write SetIdleConnected;


IdleConnected is a Boolean property which indicates if the asynchronous event handler routine is enabled for the Application singleton. When set to True, the Filter in the control will be applied when the application is in an idle state.

Changing the value for the property causes the handler routine to be queued or dequeued as an asynchronous method call for the Application. When set to True, the TApplication.QueueAsyncCall method is called to enqueue the asynchronous event handler routine. Otherwise, the Application.RemoveAsyncCalls is called to remove any pending asynchronous methods.

IdleConnected is set to True in the InvalidateFilter method.

IdleConnected is set to False in the asynchronous event handler routine after the Filter has been applied for the control.

The default value for the property is False.

See also



Contains the textual used to select the visible items in the associated control.



Sets flags and property to indicate that the filter must be reapplied for the control.



The TApplication singleton.



Inserts an asynchronous call into the queue.



Removes all calls added via QueueAsyncCall.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home