[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'EditBtn' (#lcl)


Sets flags and property to indicate that the filter must be reapplied for the control.


Source position: editbtn.pas line 272

public procedure TCustomControlFilterEdit.InvalidateFilter;


InvalidateFilter is a method used to indicate that updates to the Filter value are pending for the control. It sets the internal flag used to track pending filter updates, and sets the IdelConnected property to True to enable the asynchronous event handler routine for the control.

InvalidateFilter is called from the private ApplyFilter method when the Filter value is not immediately applied. InvalidateFilter is also called when a new value is applied to the Filter or SortData properties, or when the FilterOptions are modified for the control.

See also



Contains the textual used to select the visible items in the associated control.



Indicates if the asynchronous event handler routine is enabled for the Application.



Indicates whether items are sorted as they are filtered.



Contains options which control string comparisons using the Filter for the control.

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