[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'ExtCtrls' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

A bevel placed around the edge of buttons and other components.


Source position: extctrls.pp line 644

type TBevel = class(TGraphicControl)


  class procedure WSRegisterClass; override;


Registers this component class with the current WidgetSet.

  class function GetControlClassDefaultSize; override;


Gets the default size for new instances of the class.

  procedure Paint; override;


Handles paint requests received from the parent control.


  constructor Create(); override;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure Assign(); override;


Copies property values from Source to the current class instance.


  property Align: TAlign;


Specifies the placement of the control on its Parent control.

  property Anchors: TAnchors;


The set of anchor definitions for this control.

  property BorderSpacing: TControlBorderSpacing;


Determines the inner and outer border spacing for this control.

  property Constraints: TSizeConstraints;


Contains the minimum and maximum Width and Height for the control.

  property ParentShowHint: Boolean;


If True, the value of ShowHint for the control will be the same as the one from the Parent. Default is True.

  property Shape: TBevelShape; [rw]


Shape - whether a box, a frame or a line along one of the edges.

  property ShowHint: Boolean;


Enables Hint display for the control.

  property Style: TBevelStyle; [rw]


Indicates whether the bevel is drawn using a raised or a lowered style.

  property Visible: Boolean;


Makes the control visible or hidden.

  property OnChangeBounds: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the Bounds for the control have been changed.

  property OnResize: TNotifyEvent;


Notification handler for a resize of the control.

  property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse down event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has entered the control.

  property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has left the control.

  property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer is moved in the control.

  property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse up event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseWheel: TMouseWheelEvent;


Event handler for mouse wheel turned.

  property OnMouseWheelDown: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for a downward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnMouseWheelUp: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for an upward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnPaint: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled to paint the control.





A bevel placed around the edge of buttons and other components.




TGraphicControl is the base class for all lightweight controls.




The base class for visible controls.




The base class for LCL components which have an associated widget.








The appearance of the Bevel is governed by TBevelShape and TBevelStyle.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home