[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Forms' (#lcl)


Notifies the OnActivate event handler.


Source position: forms.pp line 639

protected procedure TCustomForm.Activate; virtual;


Activate is a procedure used to signal the OnActivate event handler (if assigned) when the form is activated. Activate is called when the CM_Activate message is handled for the form.

Activate uses an internal member to determine whether the form is being displayed for the first time, or following a change of focus between forms. No actions are performed in the method when the form is being displayed for the first time and the WindowState property contains wsMaximized or wsFullScreen.

Use OnShow to respond to the event notification performed when the form is displayed for the first time.

Use OnChangeBounds or OnResize to respond to delayed changes to the form bounds (position) or resize events.

See also



Handler called when the form receives focus.



Handler called when the form becomes visible.



Event handler signalled when the size for the form is changed.



Indicates whether the form is displayed in a minimized, maximized, full-screen or normal state.



Event handler signalled when the Bounds for the control have been changed.

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