[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


Color used to render the drag cursor when a column or row is dragged in the grid.


Source position: grids.pas line 1231

protected property TCustomGrid.ColRowDragIndicatorColor : TColor
  read FColRowDragIndicatorColor
  write SetColRowDragIndicatorColor
  default clRed;


ColRowDragIndicatorColor is a TColor property with the cursor color used when the ColRowDraggingCursor is visible for the grid control. The default value for the property is clRed.

Changing the property value causes the DrawColRowMoving method to be called when the grid state is set to gsColMoving.

ColRowDragIndicatorColor is a published property in descendent classes like: TDrawGrid, TStringGrid, and TDBGrid.

Use ColRowDraggingCursor to specify the cursor shape displayed when a column or row drag operation is active.

Use ColSizingCursor to specify the cursor shape displayed when a column is resized by dragging the border on a column.

See also



Cursor shape displayed when a column or row is dragged in the grid control.



Cursor shape displayed when a column is resized.



Implements a custom-drawn grid control.



Implements a grid specialized for textual content.



Data-aware grid control used to display and edit rows and columns in a dataset.

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