[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'DBGrids' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Data-aware grid control used to display and edit rows and columns in a dataset.


Source position: dbgrids.pas line 570

type TDBGrid = class(TCustomDBGrid)


  property BorderColor: TColor;


The color used for the border on the control.

  property Canvas: TCanvas;


The drawing surface for the control.

  property DefaultTextStyle: TTextStyle;


Default style used to display text including alignment, layout, wrapping, et. al.

  property EditorBorderStyle: TBorderStyle;


The border style for the Editor control.

  property EditorMode: Boolean;


True when the Editor is ready to modify the value for the current cell.

  property ExtendedColSizing: Boolean;


Indicates if extended column sizing is enabled in the grid.

  property FastEditing: Boolean;


Indicates if "Fast Editing" is enabled in the grid.

  property FocusColor: TColor;


The color used to draw the focus rectangle when a cell has focus.

  property FocusRectVisible: Boolean;


Indicates if the focus rectangle is displayed for the control.

  property GridLineColor: TColor;


Color used for the grid lines on the control.

  property GridLineStyle: TPenStyle;


Style used to draw the grid lines on the control.

  property InplaceEditor: TWinControl;


Cell editor for the grid control.

  property SelectedColor: TColor;


Color used for selected cells in the grid.

  property SelectedRows: TBookmarkList;


SelectedRows are the recorded rows in a bookmark list.

  property OnRowMoved: TMovedEvent;


Event handler signalled when a row is moved on the grid control.


  property Align: TAlign;


Specifies the placement of the control on its Parent control.

  property AlternateColor: TColor;


Color used for the background in alternate rows in the grid.

  property Anchors: TAnchors;


The set of anchor definitions for this control.

  property AutoAdvance: TAutoAdvance;


Sets the auto advance option for the grid control.

  property AutoEdit: Boolean;


Indicates if edit mode is automatically entered when a cell is selected.

  property AutoFillColumns: Boolean;


Indicates whether columns are automatically resized to fill the visible area in the grid.

  property BiDiMode: TBiDiMode;


Indicates whether text controls use in bi-directional reading.

  property BorderSpacing: TControlBorderSpacing;


Determines the inner and outer border spacing for this control.

  property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle;


Border style drawn around the grid control.

  property CellHintPriority: TCellHintPriority;


Identifies how text is combined to form the Hint property.

  property Color: TColor;


The background color for the control.

  property ColRowDraggingCursor: TCursor;


Cursor shape displayed when a column or row is dragged in the grid control.

  property ColRowDragIndicatorColor: TColor;


Color used to render the drag cursor when a column or row is dragged in the grid.

  property ColSizingCursor: TCursor;


Cursor shape displayed when a column is resized.

  property Columns: TDBGridColumns;


Defines the dataset fields and their editing characteristics on the grid control.

  property Constraints: TSizeConstraints;


Contains the minimum and maximum Width and Height for the control.

  property DataSource: TDataSource;


Provides access to the dataset displayed in the grid.

  property DefaultDrawing: Boolean;


Indicates if the default drawing mechanism is used to draw the background and text for cells.

  property DefaultRowHeight: Integer;


Default height for rows drawn in the grid control.

  property DoubleBuffered: Boolean;


When enabled, it reduces flicker when the control is painted.

  property DragCursor: TCursor;


The cursor shape shown during a drag operation.

  property DragMode: TDragMode;


Determines how a drag operation is started for the control.

  property Enabled: Boolean;


Determines if the grid control is enabled for navigation and editing.

  property FixedColor: TColor;


The color used for the fixed cells in the grid.

  property FixedCols: Integer;


The number of fixed columns in the grid.

  property FixedHotColor: TColor;


The color used for hot-lighted fixed cells in the grid.

  property Flat: Boolean;


Indicates if cells are displayed using a Flat appearance.

  property Font: TFont;


The font to be used for text display in this control.

  property HeaderHotZones: TGridZoneSet;


Contains the grid zones which are hot-lighted (hovered) on the control.

  property HeaderPushZones: TGridZoneSet;


Contains the grid zones which are drawn in a "pushed" state on the control.

  property Options: TDbGridOptions;


Contains the optional features or behaviors that are enabled for the grid control.

  property Options2: TGridOptions2;


Contains additional options for scrolling and editor behavior enabled in the grid control.

  property OptionsExtra: TDbGridExtraOptions;


Contains the extra options enabled for the database grid control.

  property ParentBiDiMode: Boolean;


Indicates whether the BiDiMode settings in the Parent control are used.

  property ParentColor: Boolean;


Uses the Color from the Parent control, when enabled.

  property ParentDoubleBuffered: Boolean;


Value for the DoubleBuffered property in a Parent control.

  property ParentFont: Boolean;


Indicates if the Font from the Parent control is used in the control.

  property PopupMenu: TPopupMenu;


A context-sensitive menu that pops up when the right mouse button is clicked over this control.

  property ReadOnly: Boolean;


Indicates if modifications are allowed in the grid control.

  property Scrollbars: TScrollStyle;


Scroll bars displayed for the grid control.

  property ShowHint: Boolean;


Controls whether the Hint is displayed for the control.

  property TabAdvance: TAutoAdvance;


Controls the behavior for Tab navigation in the grid control.

  property TabOrder: TTabOrder;


Indicates the navigation order for the control when the user presses the Tab or Shift+Tab key.

  property TabStop: Boolean;


Allows the user to navigate to / from the control by pressing the Tab or Shift+Tab keys.

  property TitleFont: TFont;


The font used for text in a column title.

  property TitleImageList: TImageList;


The list with images displayed in column titles.

  property TitleStyle: TTitleStyle;


The drawing style used for the fixed column titles.

  property UseXORFeatures: Boolean;


When True, the dotted focus rectangle is painted using an XOR raster operation.

  property Visible: Boolean;


Visible controls whether the grid control is visible.

  property OnCellClick: TDBGridClickEvent;


Event handler signalled for a mouse click in a grid column.

  property OnColEnter: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse enters a column.

  property OnColExit: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse exits a column.

  property OnColumnMoved: TMovedEvent;


Event handler signalled when the order of a column is changed.

  property OnColumnSized: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when a grid column has been resized.

  property OnContextPopup: TContextPopupEvent;


Invoked when a context-sensitive pop-up menu is requested.

  property OnDrawColumnCell: TDrawColumnCellEvent;


Event handler signalled when a cell needs to be drawn.

  property OnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnCellEvent;


Event handler signalled when a cell title needs to be drawn.

  property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse double click occurs in the control.

  property OnDragDrop: TDragDropEvent;


Event handler signalled when an object is dropped onto the control.

  property OnDragOver: TDragOverEvent;


Event handler signalled when a control is dragged over the control instance.

  property OnEditButtonClick: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the button in a cell Editor is clicked. Deprecated.

  property OnEditingDone: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when editing is completed for the control.

  property OnEndDrag: TEndDragEvent;


Event handler signalled for the end of a drag-drop operation.

  property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the control receives focus.

  property OnExit: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the control loses focus.

  property OnFieldEditMask: TGetDbEditMaskEvent;


Event handler signalled to get the edit mask for a Field.

  property OnGetCellHint: TDbGridCellHintEvent;


Event handler signalled to get the hint text for a cell in the grid control.

  property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent;


Event handler signalled when a key is down while the control has focus.

  property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent;


Event handler signalled for the key press event.

  property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent;


Event handler signalled for a key up event.

  property OnMouseDown: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse down event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has entered the control.

  property OnMouseLeave: TNotifyEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer has left the control.

  property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent;


Event handler signalled when the mouse pointer is moved in the control.

  property OnMouseUp: TMouseEvent;


Event handler signalled when a mouse up event is handled for the control.

  property OnMouseWheel: TMouseWheelEvent;


Event handler for mouse wheel turned.

  property OnMouseWheelDown: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for a downward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnMouseWheelUp: TMouseWheelUpDownEvent;


Event handler signalled for an upward movement of the mouse wheel.

  property OnPrepareCanvas: TPrepareDbGridCanvasEvent;


Event handler signalled to prepare the grid canvas for drawing a cell.

  property OnSelectEditor: TDbGridSelEditorEvent;


Event handler signalled when the editor is selected for a Field in the grid.

  property OnStartDrag: TStartDragEvent;


Event handler signalled for the start of a dragging operation.

  property OnTitleClick: TDBGridClickEvent;


Event handler for mouse clicks on a Title cell.

  property OnUserCheckboxBitmap: TDbGridCheckBoxBitmapEvent;


Event handler signalled to get the user-defined bitmap used for a check box cell.

  property OnUserCheckboxImage: TUserCheckBoxImageEvent;


Event handler signalled to get the user-defined image used for a check box cell.

  property OnUserCheckboxState: TDbGridCheckboxStateEvent;


Event handler signalled to get a user-specified value for a check box editor on the grid control.

  property OnUTF8KeyPress: TUTF8KeyPressEvent;


Handler for a character entered by the user.





Data-aware grid control used to display and edit rows and columns in a dataset.




TCustomDBGrid is the base class for TDBGrid.




Implements the base class for grid controls.




The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.




The base class for LCL components which have an associated widget.








TDBGrid is a data-aware version of TStringGrid used to display and edit a Rows and Columns in a dataset.

TDBGrid inherits many of its properties from TCustomGrid and its immediate ancestor TCustomDBGrid.

See also

How To Use Data-Aware Controls


HowToUseDataAwareControls - Hints for accessing databases.

How To Use Grids


How to use Grids including StringGrids, DrawGrids and DbGrids.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home