[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'Grids' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements a grid with metadata where rows and columns are stored as Pointer arrays.


Source position: grids.pas line 406

type TVirtualGrid = class


  procedure doDestroyItem();


Destroys an Item at the given Row and Column location.

  procedure doNewItem();


Creates a new item at the location specified by Col and Row.

  procedure DeleteColRow();


Removes a column or a row in the grid.

  procedure MoveColRow();


Moves a column or a row using the specified index positions.

  procedure ExchangeColRow();


Exchanges values for the current column or row with those at the specified position.

  procedure InsertColRow();


Inserts either a column or a row at the specified index position.

  procedure DisposeCell(); virtual;


Disposes of the resources and the pointer for the given cell.

  procedure DisposeColRow(); virtual;


Disposes of the specified row or column, and frees its pointer.

  function IsColumnIndexValid();


Indicates if the specified ordinal column number is valid for the grid.

  function IsRowIndexValid();


Indicates if the specified ordinal row number is valid for the grid.


  constructor Create;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure Clear;


Clears the content in the virtual grid.

  function GetDefaultCell;


Gets the default values for a new cell added to the grid.

  function GetDefaultColRow;


Gets a pointer to the default values used in the column and row properties when added to the instance.

  property ColCount: Integer; [rw]


Number of columns defined for the grid.

  property RowCount: Integer; [rw]


Number of rows defined for the grid.

  property Celda []: PCellProps; [rw]


Provides indexed access to cell properties by their column and row numbers.

  property Cols []: PColRowProps; [rw]


Provides indexed access to column properties by their ordinal column number.

  property Rows []: PColRowProps; [rw]


Provides indexed access to row properties by their ordinal row number.





Implements a grid with metadata where rows and columns are stored as Pointer arrays.




TVirtualGrid is a class used to represent a grid where the rows and columns containing grid metadata are stored as arrays of Pointers. Data stored in the grid includes the Size for data in a cell, and pointers to attributes for fixed and normal cell display.

TVirtualGrid is the type used for an internal member in TCustomDrawGrid.

See also



The base class for a custom-drawn grid control.

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