[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'HelpIntfs' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Defines a help manager used to display a help query or a table of contents.


Source position: helpintfs.pas line 199

type THelpManager = class(TObject)


  class function DoHelpNotFound();


Performs actions when help is not available in the help manager.

  function ShowTableOfContents(); virtual;


Displays the Help Table of Contents for the help manager.

  procedure ShowError(); virtual; abstract;


Not implemented in THelpManager.

  function ShowHelpForQuery(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpForContext(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpForKeyword(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpForDirective(); virtual;

  function ShowHelpForPascalContexts(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpForSourcePosition(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpForMessageLine(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpForClass(); virtual;


  function ShowHelpFile(); virtual;


  function ShowHelp(); virtual;






Defines a help manager used to display a help query or a table of contents.




THelpManager is a TObject descendant which defines a help manager. It provides methods used to display help for specific help query types, or a help table of contents. It also provides methods used to display/handle error messages.

On its own, THelpManager is not particulary useful. All of the methods return the shrHelpNotFound help result. They are, however, declared as abstract/virtual and should be implemented/overridden in a descendent class which provides support for a specific help format like HTML, CHM, INF, or other content type.

See also



Implements support for accessing and maintaining registered help database classes in the help system.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home