[Overview][Types][Classes][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'LazDeviceApis' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Represents a message.


Source position: lazdeviceapis.pas line 58

type TLazDeviceMessage = class


  bccAddress: TStringList;


A copy should be sent to addresses specified here, but these addresses will not appear in the message.

  Body: string;


The main text of the message.

  ccAddress: TStringList;


A copy should be sent to addresses specified here.

  destinationAddress: TStringList;


The destination(s) of the message.

  isRead: Boolean;


Indicates if the user has already read the message.

  messageId: string;


Reserved field.

  messageType: TLazDeviceMessageKind;


The type of the message.

  ReplyToAddress: string;


Might indicate an address different from SourceAddress so that replies are sent to a different address then the message sender.

  sourceAddress: string;


The address from which the message was sent.

  Subject: string;


The title or subject of the message.

  Time: TDateTime;


The time when the message was sent.

  validityPeriod: TTime;


The period of time for which the message is valid.

  constructor Create; virtual;

  destructor Destroy; override;





Represents a message.




Don't create instances of this class directly. Instead use Messaging.CreateMessage().

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home