[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LazDialogs' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Implements the form displayed for TLazOpenDialog descendants.


Source position: lazdialogs.pas line 20

type TLazarusFileDialogForm = class(TForm)


  ButtonPanel: TButtonPanel;


Button panel for the Lazarus dialog form.

  ShellTreeView: TShellTreeView;


Shell tree view control for the Lazarus dialog form.

  ShellListView: TShellListView;


Shell list view control for the Lazarus dialog form.

  SaveEdit: TEdit;


Edit control used for a FileName on the dialog form.

  FilterComboBox: TFilterComboBox;


Combo box control used for the file mask filter in the Lazarus dialog form.

  FileName: string;


File name for the selected file in the Lazarus dialog form.

  Filter: string;


File mask filter for the Lazarus dialog form.

  InitialDir: string;


Initial directory used in the Lazarus file dialog form.

  Title: string;


Title displayed for the Lazarus dialog form.

  constructor CreateNew(); override;


Alternate constructor for the class instance.

  procedure Initialize();


Creates and positions child controls on the Lazarus dialog form.

  procedure HandleOkClick();


Event handler signalled when the OK button is clicked.

  procedure HandleCancelClick();


Event handler signalled when the Cancel button is clicked.

  procedure HandleCloseQuery();


Event handler for an OnCloseQuery event notification.

  procedure HandleEditChange();


Event handler for changes to the value in the SaveEdit control.

  procedure HandleSelectItem();


Event handler for changes to the selected item in ShellListView.

  procedure HandleTreeViewSelectionChanged();


Event handler signalled when the selected item in ShellTreeView is changed.





Implements the form displayed for TLazOpenDialog descendants.




Implements a form used in an LCL application.




The base type for TForm classes.




Provides a designer surface for scaling and layout of its child controls.




Implements a windowed control with scroll bars.




The base class for windowed controls which paint themselves.




Implements a windowed control which can contain other child controls.




The base class for visible controls.




The base class for LCL components which have an associated widget.








TLazarusFileDialogForm is a TForm descendant which implements the form displayed for dialogs which are not wrappers for native dialogs on a given platform. The form includes public members that are used to store input or output values for the dialog, like:

It includes public user interface elements needed for the dialog form. The active UI elements are determined by the TLazFileDialogKind value passed as an argument when a dialog calls the Initialize method for the form. The UI elements include:

TLazarusFileDialogForm includes methods that implement routines assigned to event handlers in the various UI elements. The routines perform actions like setting the ModalResult value when a button is clicked, updating FileName from selected nodes in the shell controls, and enabling / disabling controls as needed.

TLazarusFileDialogForm is used to implement the private form member in the TLazOpenDialog component.

See also



Implements a Lazarus file open dialog.



Enumerated type which represents the dialog kind in a Lazarus dialog form.



Implements a form used in an LCL application.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home