[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LazHelpHTML' (#lcl)


Gets the effective Base URL used to access a topic in the HTML help database.


Source position: lazhelphtml.pas line 73

public function THTMLHelpDatabase.GetEffectiveBaseURL: string;

Function result

Derived value for the URL needed to access the HTML help topic.


GetEffectiveBaseURL is a String function used to get the effective value for the BaseURL needed to access a topic in the HTML help database.

When BaseURL is not an empty string (''), it is used to construct the URL path for its file name. When multiple HTML help databases have been registered, the help manager calls its GetBaseURLForBasePathObject method to derive the URL for the base path. Otherwise, the value in DefaultBaseURL is used construct the URL for the help topic file name.

GetEffectiveBaseURL ensures that a trailing path delimiter is appended to the URL in the return value.

GetEffectiveBaseURL is used in the implementation of the ShowURL method.

See also



Displays a help viewer for the specified HTML help topic.



Implements support for accessing and maintaining registered help database classes in the help system.



Defines a help manager used to display a help query or a table of contents.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home