[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] Reference for unit 'LazRegions' (#lcl)


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Represents a custom region in the Lazarus LCL.


Source position: lazregions.pas line 61

type TLazRegion = class(TFPCustomRegion)


  Parts: TFPList;


List with the Rectangles, Polygons, and Ellipses that define the display area for the region.

  IsSimpleRectRegion: Boolean;


Indicates whether this region is composed of a single rectangular part.

  Rect: TRect;


TRect instance with the bounds for the region.

  constructor Create; virtual;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.

  procedure Assign();


Stores values from ASrcRegion in the current class instance.

  procedure Clear;


Frees all of the TLazRegionPart instances in Parts, and clears the list.

  procedure CombineWith();


Combines the specified source region using the given region operation.

  function GetRegionKind;


Gets the type of region represented in the class instance.

  function IsSimpleRectEmpty;


Indicates whether the Rect member contains empty or invalid rectangle coordinates.

  procedure AddPart();


Adds the specified part as a subregion in the Parts member.

  procedure AddRectangle();


Adds the specified TRect instance to the Parts member.

  procedure AddPolygon();


Adds a polygonal area with the specified vertices to the region.

  procedure AddEllipse();


Adds an elliptical area with the specified co-vertices to the region.

  procedure SetAsSimpleRectRegion();


Sets the area for the region to the specified rectangle.

  procedure AddPartsFromRegion();


Adds the region (and any subregions) from ASrcRegion to the current class instance.

  procedure DoChangeToComplexRegion;


Adds the value in Rect to the Parts member, and resets the value in IsSimpleRectRegion.

  function GetBoundingRect; override;


Gets the bounds for the region as a rectangle.

  function IsPointInRegion(); override;


Checks whether the specified point is inside the region.





Represents a custom region in the Lazarus LCL.






TLazRegion is a TFPCustomRegion descendant which represents a region as used in the Lazarus LCL. It is used to implement the clipping region in TLazCanvas, and in custom-drawn windowed LCL controls. The region is composed of TLazRegionPart descendants representing the rectangles, polygons, and ellipses that define the display area on a device. TLazRegion provides overridden methods to query information for the composite display area.

The parts of a region should all be inside valid areas for the region. If a combine operation removes an area in the region, then the area should be removed from all parts for the region. There is no z-order for the Parts, they are all validly inside the region area.

See also



Implement a region which can have other regions as children.



Implements a canvas which masks differences between FCL and LCL canvas classes.



Defines the clipping region for the canvas.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home