[Overview][Types][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'LCLMemManager' (#lcl)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Template for memory manager implementations.


Source position: lclmemmanager.pas line 34

type TLCLMemManager = class


  FFirstFree: PLCLMemManagerItem;


Internal member with the pointer the first item in the memory manager.

  FFreeCount: Integer;


Member used to store the value for the FreeCount property.

  FCount: Integer;


Member used to store the value for the Count property.

  FMinFree: Integer;


Member used to store the value for the MinimumFreeCount property.

  FMaxFreeRatio: Integer;


Member used to store the value for the MaximumFreeCountRatio property.

  FAllocatedCount: Int64;


Member used to store the value for the AllocatedCount property.

  FFreedCount: Int64;


Member used to store the value for the FreedCount property.

  procedure DisposeItem();


Maintains values in FreeCount and Count when the memory manager item is freed.

  function NewItem;


Gets a pointer to a free memory manager item, or creates a new one.

  procedure FreeFirstItem; virtual;


Frees the first item in the memory manager and maintains the list.


  property MinimumFreeCount: Integer; [rw]


Minimum block size that can be freed in the memory manager.

  property MaximumFreeCountRatio: Integer; [rw]


Threshold which determines if the memory manager marks a block or frees it.

  property Count: Integer; [r]


Total number of items in the memory manager list.

  property FreeCount: Integer; [r]


Number of items marked as free in the list.

  property AllocatedCount: Int64; [r]


Number of items allocated in the memory manager list.

  property FreedCount: Int64; [r]


Number of freed memory blocks in the list.

  procedure Clear;


Frees all items in the memory manager list.

  constructor Create;


Constructor for the class instance.

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destructor for the class instance.





Template for memory manager implementations.




TLCLMemManager is a class which provides a template for memory manager implementations used in the LCL. It is used as a base class for specialized memory managers in widgetset classes.

Version 3.2 Generated 2024-02-25 Home